With its oscillator, mocriprocessor and quartz CMOS, it offers 40 measuring ranges, 30 of which are preset ranges for commonly used products.
Oats Hard wheat Soft wheat Arabica coffee Robusta
coffee Raw green coffee
Washed coffee
Rapeseed Spelt WInter barley (not cleaned)
Tall fescue
Medium fava bean Large and medium fava bean Large haricot bean Medium haricot bean
Humid harvested corn Hand shelled corn
Spring barley
Winter barley
Ray grass
Husked rice
Unhusked rice
Buckwheat Rye Sybean Sorghum
Sunflower Triticale
A simple touch selection eliminates the need of conversion calculations.
With its vast memory, the user can calibrate the SAMAP-O-TEST in two minutes for other cereals, legumes or granular matter.
Numerous complementary programs are avalaible free of charge, upon request: Peanuts, Sugar beet, Hempseed, Cynara, Dactyl, Small haricot bean, Lentils, Flax, Lucerne, Pearl millet, Millet, Chick peas, Canned peas, Castor beans, Vetch, ...
1 Technical working range
Useful when creating new calibration curves, for baselin measurments, in frequencies.